Happy Veterans Day

Dean Rakoskie, Commander - 11/11/2022

November 11th is our holiday! It is a day dedicated to honor and thank individuals from all generations who accepted the challenge to serve in the armed forces of our great country. While many who served are still with us, there are others - comrades, colleagues, and predecessors - who have left. Many of those gave what Abraham Lincoln called "the last full measure of devotion” to our nation. For those and other reasons, it is fitting that we have a day dedicated to recognizing veterans.
I am honored and humbled to be the leader of an organization comprised of Individuals whose courage and commitment is unsurpassed. Moreover, your passion for service to others is evident every day in what you do as a member of the VFW. It is because of you and what you do that I can readily say: GEORGIA STANDS TALL!
Take a few moments on this day for yourselves and enjoy your day. You earned the right to do so! Thank you for your service and your sacrifices!
May God Bless All!
Dean Rakoskie

Statewide News

News & Info from your department

Inclement weather

Due to the inclement weather expected for tomorrow Jan. 9 please consider closing your post to protect our veterans and your patrons until after the storm passes. - Commander Schreiber

Happy Veterans Day

Veterans Day message from the State Commander. Georgia Stands TALL!

National News

Important info from National VFW

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WASHINGTON - I am pleased to hear the news, along with the nearly 7 million other veterans who rely on VA benefits, to include dis...

Until They All Return Home

WASHINGTON - On National POW/MIA Recognition Day, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) emphasizes the gravity of honoring and rememb...